what does 420 mean?

Smoking has been one of the recreational activities done by humans since ancient times. With time the instruments and ways of smoking went on improving. People use joints, pipes, or bongs to smoke cannabis. From that, bongs are a better option for smoking cannabis. One can choose bongs of different shapes to make the process fascinating. DopeBoo has a wide selection of bongs. You can visit here to choose the shapes that you want.

What are bongs?

A water pipe used for smoking is called a bong. The base of the bong holds the herbs. The water in the tube helps in purification. It also works as a cooling system. The smoke is passed through water before it comes into the mouthpiece. Whether a homemade bong or a manufactured one, the process is more pleasurable.

What are the types of bongs?

  • A straight bong

A cylindrical tube sealed at one end is a straight bong. The bowl of the bong is attached to the surface area of the bong. The tube holds the water.

  • A beaker-shaped bong

The bong is like a beaker with a bowl structure attached to its side. The water is added to the beaker, and the base holds the herbs.

420 friendly

  • A round-shaped bong

One end of the bong is round. The bowl structure is attached the same way as the beaker-shaped.

Using bongs is beneficial

  1. The smoke from the bong is cooler: When cannabis is smoked using a joint, the smoke is hot. The same can also irritate the throat. But, when using a bong, the smoke passes through the water. Water helps to cool the smoke in the bong. There can be different methods to cool the smoke even further.
  2. Bong makes the hit filtered: When the smoke is passed through the water, the ashes and other such residues get filtered to some extent.
  3. Bong helps filter the bacteria: Bacteria or mold gets filtered through the water, or additional filters are used in the bong. This makes the process of smoking safer.

Homemade bongs – A creative way to smoke

Bongs can be made at home in case of need or for fun. One can make bongs using fruits or even plastic bottles. If you want to check the DIY bongs, you can visit DopeBoo here. There are details on how to make homemade bongs and also manufactured bongs. One can use fruits like apples to make bongs. It makes the process cheaper and environmentally friendly.